Customer Terms.
Revised : Feruary 27th, 2024

Legal and Ethical Use:

  • Gonzo VPN strictly prohibits engagement in any illegal activities, including but not limited to:

    • Possession, distribution, or viewing of Child Pornography (CP).

    • Display of disrespect or engagement in harassment towards individuals or entities.

    • Sending false threats or engaging in cyberbullying.

  • Users violating these terms will face immediate termination of their VPN access and potential legal consequences.

  1. Chargebacks and Account Termination:

    • In our unwavering commitment to maintaining a fair and secure user environment, any chargebacks initiated without valid cause will result in the immediate termination of your VPN access.

    • Furthermore, users involved in chargeback fraud may be subject to blacklisting from accessing all our services.

  2. Money-Back Guarantee:

    • At Gonzo VPN, your satisfaction is our paramount concern. We possess the utmost confidence in the excellence of our service, which is why we proudly offer a 7-day money-back guarantee. This assurance underscores our dedication to delivering excellence, affording you the opportunity to experience our VPN with absolute peace of mind.

    • However, please be advised that this guarantee does not apply in cases where we determine that our service has been employed for unlawful activities. We steadfastly adhere to legal and ethical standards, and any misuse of our VPN for illicit purposes is not tolerated. Our commitment to upholding a secure and lawful online environment is of utmost importance, and such activities serve as grounds for voiding the money-back guarantee.

  3. Unauthorized Sharing Prohibited:

    • Sharing your Gonzo VPN account with others is strictly forbidden. While multiple concurrent connections on the same account are allowed, sharing your credentials with non-subscribers violates our policy.

    • Breach of this Policy will result in the immediate revocation of your access to Gonzo VPN.

  4. Torrenting Policy:

    • As part of our commitment to user convenience, Gonzo VPN permits torrenting on our network. However, we expect our users to adhere to the following guidelines:

      • Utilize torrenting solely for legal and ethical purposes.

      • Show due respect for copyright laws and intellectual property rights.

      • Abstain from downloading or distributing copyrighted material without proper authorization.

      • Ensure that your torrenting activities do not disrupt or inconvenience other users on our network.

  5. Privacy and Data Security:

    • Gonzo VPN is unwavering in its dedication to safeguarding your privacy and data security. We do not log your online activities or retain any personally identifiable information. For further details, please review our Privacy Policy.

  6. Responsible Usage:

    • Users of Gonzo VPN are expected to employ our services in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations within their respective jurisdictions.

  7. Service Availability:

    • While we endeavor to maintain a high level of service availability, there may be instances where we need to conduct maintenance or updates. We will make reasonable efforts to minimize downtime and any associated inconvenience to our users.

  8. Amendments to Terms:

    • Gonzo VPN reserves the right to update these terms of service to reflect changes in our services or legal requirements. Users will be notified of any substantial changes, and continued use of our VPN implies acceptance of the updated terms.

© Copyright 2024 Gonzo VPN. All rights reserved.